- Steel Tubing offers cost saving benefits while maintaining the appearance of Aluminium Counterparts.
- Shares almost 70 percent of parts used with aluminium banquet chairs – Polyurethane Moulded Seats, Backrest Wood, Nylon Studs, Oven Baked Epoxy Finish.
- Suitable for venues and properties inland away from saltwater where rust may be of concern.
- Polyurethane moulded banquet seats are indent in design as standard
- Robotic welded frames for consistency and accuracy
- Stacks 10 for storage, movement and delivery
Throughout Time
These chairs have been regarded as a classic shape to our banquet chair collection.
Widely accepted universally for its simplicity
- Steel Frames are economical
- Variety of Oven Baked Epoxy Finish for Frames
- Indent Moulded Seat Design for comfort
- 1.2mm wall thickness as Industry Standard
- Nylon Bumper and Leg Studs
- Polyurethane Moulded Seats for long lasting durability
- Oven Baked Epoxy Frame Finish
- Arm Handle for Carrying purpose
- Upholstered Seat with Indent Design